No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.
George Washington, First Inaugural Address, Apr. 30, 1789
America is a nation with a mission, and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace -- a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman. America acts in this cause with friends and allies at our side, yet we understand our special calling: This great republic will lead the cause of freedom.
George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Jan. 20, 2004
I think of you sometimes
because I forget not to and
my chest feels like a pair of sandals on the beach
waiting for bare feet
I know you exist somewhere outside of my head
where words drift through the gaps in teeth
and skin is a prophylactic for the soul
but I am here, adjusting my glasses
and my tongue like a child's toy
that needs to be wound
I don't know how to say I love you
but I know the sun is warm and the wind is soft
and that you are as good as both, and better
watching you tan
I am a used calendar always
off a few days but still
useful for children learning
to count
the romantic
I met a door that squeaked
so loud the neighbors woke
and so I burned the walls
around the frame to leave
some chocolates on your bed
Like Drunk You Wrapped Me Up
you think in pieces like a Ferrari
parted-out dress
all hiked up my eyes wire
cutters for your nylons spread
eagle on my telephone
line leaving me like a box
of puppies outside a
super market bonding
with grocery bags
A Good 1st Date
I would like to see
you wearing steam
from the shower with your
hair in a towel tossed
back rubbing water
from your eyes half
closed and carefree
Left on Purpose
a tuft of hair
a tier of blond I thimble
around my finger
It falls in stereo
a rudder to your eyes
the blue of which I maim
with blinks
I am no savant, too primal is my touch
too pungent is my smile
like the sombrero I should never wear
I'm Buttoned at the Neck without a Tie
you're sandals and sweatpants
your clothes are frozen candy wrappers
I pull off piece by piece
the sheets find the wedging
between your toes
courting the idea like
investing in the Zeppelin
we move together like
sitting on a straw-bottomed chair
until the seat falls through
the windows are in bloom
so let's break the hinges
my hair isn't dead at the roots
but like the sidewalk
it's the boundary of something
like gripping a stair rail in the dark
the stutter of your foot finding air
I like your hair in braids
you have a nice neck
rules of animal-etiquette like
a diagram of a baseball field
I hold my call lean
into myself and say
you say
4-3-06 for Colleen
Too Pretty to Eat Unaccompanied
DNA folding back on
itself spontaneous
proteins activate
ORC binding the shape
changing and we one
and one are simultaneous
Love Poem?
sometimes it's good to give
up before she says take me
Your New Pillow Shams
there's no sheets to sleep
summer sweating the
leg hairs cling angled
like a spider walking
toward the crotch unseen
and slow stumbling the dog
curls behind your knees with
dreams of bones and puppy
I'm a nightlight left on
all day, like when you steal
the covers and I feel cold
because someone has to.
The Cool Nights
I pushed the sun
outside your room
so we could sleep
without seeing
how close we were
to touching
We Should Age
counting backwards how hide & seek starts
the way the blind rub the notches of their watch
or the rusted chair that doesn't close
like the grass that grows on sidewalks and
how the neighbors talk about the grass
that grows on sidewalks
like yellow spotted leaves brown tipped and eaten through
or taking-in commercial breaks between the news
the way dishes dry in the strainer
like the sweat that stains the bottom of a friend's
Notre Dame baseball hat
like the toys we put in boxes
and give away
I'm a Kindergartner with Safety Scissors
watching with a weathered smile
the way your lips curl
around the red of an apple,
I think of you naked
like in the garden of God
my rib's perfect reflection1
Genesis 2:21-25
Evening in the Summer Time
feels like you
lighting me like the orange moon and
a moment's twilight red and cobalt
blue with warm breezes the horizon goes
you come
and me too
4-25-07 for Jasmine
Lazy like the Tips of Her
Sometimes, when I think of you,
I feel like a towel full of sand
that's shaken into the shore,
idling on the beach until the ocean rises
to carry me to some far off place.
I am complacent to watch the days graze
the edges of me, to leave me placid
and self-contained, but sometimes,
when I think of you,
my thoughts are dismantled and shipped
to all the places you might go.
I am like a wave that has been kicked
into one thousand tiny pieces,
hoping just one droplet reaches you
before returning.
Sometimes, when I think of you,
you are like the heat of a fevered forehead,
pulling back an open palm of sweat
and I am waiting like a child-
proof bottle of pills.
older versionwasted and wanting
a wet towel dead
on the floor I am
too slow to speak just
watching your eyes
blink as you sleep
have you closed them
for me a moment to
keep like the air
we breathe in winter
or the heat of a fevered
forehead pulling back
an open palm of
sweat sometimes
alone I linger at
the door waiting for
your cheek like
the book I can't
put down how silly you'd
say if you knew
The 1st Kiss
I could be the tears
at your funeral
and you would never
Until We're Forming the Same Letters
like last looks
seeing you in the white
dress with Karin and
your brunette roots grown
back "omg you sluts
look hot!!!" the way you burn a camp
fire or swim with ankles and shins
in Lake Michigan I would have
been the Chicago sky watching
you tan but someday damnit
we'll be poetry together smoking
somewhere in the US like
the hookah you painted in Iowa
or Nashville before ladies night
No Love Making Wednesday
she touches her stomach
surviving used babies she
thieves thank you's and
more thank you's they say
that's a good name he got
she hears a dozen
new religions moving her
eyes to the tips
of radio towers like
drunk birds waiting
to migrate her breasts
never got swollen she
thinks he'll notice and
be disappointed
Two Beer Cans Barely Touching
like the bottle
caps collected at
age five you
find her thinking
as you are and
as she was
instinctively we breathe
plunging our bodies into motion
before judging the effects
of a lung's worth of air
I bite my nails until they bleed
momentum of my habits
the telephone cuts onions
the idea and the impulse remain
a rabbit came running, came to keep company
the lion was fed and sedated before
it entered the cage
dialog with memory
like jousting lances quick to reach
the reproduction of themselves
back to the original
the ashtrays are brimming
I take my hand away
gently light a cigarette and
watch the smoke sift
inventory of what we find about
the body the force we resist
torrents of tendency
the girl at the counter smiles
I say it's colder now
we touch objects pinned up
in a towel of experience
unity is lost in activity
the mind is impassible
I think we'll manage
we should try and see
I just wanted to say
smoke spirals from my lips
the pressure of gauze
like snow crust
capturing card catalogs of reproductions
a collection of second-hand books
we read and read again
movement originates from a point of rest
comprehension shivers
she reaches out her hand
a helicopter passes overhead
I don't notice
Your Earrings on My Windowsill
I feel like the quiet
breathing of sleep and
stucco walls
white with the windows
drawn on streetlights
soft with
burnt filament
Sunday Evening on the Front Steps
I touch
you like a half
eaten apple drying
in the hand of
a sleeping afternoon
I slammed the door the other day;
a picture frame fell
the corners were cracked. I couldn't rehang it.
A seascape Monet knockoff,
the kind you buy at the boardwalk.
It was nothing special, except that my mother hated it.
The glass was fine, the picture too.
It was just the boarder
that broke.
There was a little rectangle of white
on the sun-stained wall
The 2nd Year Anniversary
Here's some flowers
I thought you'd like.
You should know,
they're going to die
because I cut off their legs.
Spilling Towards the Low Point of the Mattress
I am tired like
the pavement
leading to your door
The Love Song of1
"The Love Song of" is a reference to T.S. Eliot's poem, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (first published in 1915).
another day
aching to eat and breathe
while I wait to take
the ripples from the sea
like all the works of days before
that have peeled paint
and gathered shells along the shore
or mornings with the window in the nook
the smell of apples in the sun
and bananas turning soft and brown
and how I thought of taking one
yesterday before you brought them home
The couch cushions are soft from your hips
and how you lay like a morning stretch
then curl about the house like yellow smoke
the smoke that walks through narrow streets
and throws its empty shoes upon the beach
to count the seashells blue and white and red
so how should I presume to wait
and how should I begin
I took your slippers from the dog
and wiped the teeth marks off
and saved them for when you get home
And there will be time to come
and go from room to room
through empty halls and half
shut doors to wonder do I dare
to turn back and wonder still
if your legs have grown too thin
to descend the stairs
or if you'll have me guide you down
with arms that wrap about you like a shawl
the years digress and malinger
but let us still talk of you and I
and cheap hotels and restaurants and
there will be time after all
(you have said so yourself)
and I am waiting still
I have stood in the dooryards
and searched the sprinkled streets
to find you so meticulous
walking the stone paths each to each
you seem almost ridiculous
almost a fool but
that is not what I mean at all
Should I hem the bottom of your white
flannel trousers or fix the part
in your hair or be of use
an easy tool
the tea kettle whistles
and I move to the noise
to pour a glass of something warm
to warm our throat and tongue and arms
and all our indecision
drying by the furnace
with your boots and socks
and melting snow
would you say it has been worthwhile
to know the mornings, evenings, and afternoons
to know them all already
can you say just what you mean
in a smile
I am tired of counting saints
like sheep to sleep so tired
of the moss that grows in cracks
along the fence or rain
that gathers oil in the street
and pools rainbows for our feet
and the wheels of our cars
I have heard you singing as you sleep
like the yellow smoke that lingers on the beach
but I know you do not dream for me
I have felt you turning in the sheets
and I have counted
the white hairs I have left to grow
if you hear a whisper as I leave
it was only to say goodnight
The Only Rule is Don't Be Boring1
"The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in." is a Paris Hilton quote from Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose written in 2004 by Paris Hilton and Merle Ginsberg.
Hilton reportedly received a $100,000 in advanced payment, and the book became a New York Times bestseller.
I have no declarations of my own
my life has come and gone
in rented homes
one night dreams
and library books
Being Single
she said I would be a great
wing man for Mike
I told her I had never
met Mike
she said it was ok Mike only
liked the ugly women
she said the pretty ones were
bitches but great in bed
I thought
she seemed nice
In This Houseful of Other Things
missing you is like running
out of toilet paper or drinking 12 cans of Coors Light
alone like a good first date that ends
with masturbation or the sweet syrup inside
the plastic wrapper of an Otter Pop tilting
your head back your hands pressing down
on the corners to open the slit but isn't it
more like the porno I've never seen
the end of and I told myself I would never settle
for a love poem but that's what missing you is
like a love poem I keep in my wallet
like a photograph I can't throw out
I Have About 100 Pairs of Pajamas1
"I have about 100 pairs of pajamas. I like to see people dressed comfortably." is a Hugh Hefner quote.
biting like
an infant at love
and loving I learn
to suckle
or starve
I Think We All Agree, the Past is Over1
"I think we all agree, the past is over" is a quote from George W. Bush after he defeated Senator John McCain for the 2000 Republican nomination. Senator McCain later, and reluctantly, endorsed Governor Bush for president. [Jackson, David and Wayne Slater. "Subdued McCain Endorses Bush." Dallas Morning News. 10 May 2000.]
It is also the first line of Richard Thompson's mock inaugural poem, "Make the Pie Higher" published in Richard's Poor Almanac (January 2001). The poem is constructed from incoherent "Bushisms."
Richard Thompson, in an interview with The Comics Reporter, said, "I did 'Make the Pie Higher' the week of Bush's first inaugural in response to his lack of a major poet reading an inspiring poem, like Carl Sandburg did for Kennedy or Maya Angelou did for Clinton. It seemed a big deal at the time, this lack of major poetry. So I took a bunch of Bushisms, you know, his malaprop comments, and formed them into a free-verse poem."
I walk the streets at closing time
to find the few drunk patrons
sauntering home. They are crumpled
dollar bills inheriting a recession and
I am aching like a canvas rolled up
and bent beneath a pile of art books (thinking
of you). We could make love
the way a magician shuffles cards
with a broken hand.
It would be like that moment pulling
back the newspaper to see the fly
still twitching a little and
not feeling guilt for swinging
too slow,
but I am at home and cold and certain
you're not here to wear Sunday
morning with me.
You have misunderestimated
my intentions like lukewarm water
trying to unthaw.
How could I make your sweetness sober?
I might need a little help like the woman
waiting to be sawed in half or
the politician promising change.
older versionlike standing on tiptoes
or the way winter slows
into spring and how hollow
I am breast to back
like pulling canvas to a frame
with the love I wear on Sunday
or the streets at closing time
wanting the dimple of your elbow
and the warmth that it brings
but it seems (I think it seems)
I open like water pulsing in a drain
holding written resolutions
you have broken
into details this real
"Singular" is a reference to 'Cingular Wireless LLC,' a wireless telecommunications company that operated in the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands from 2000 to 2007. It was a joint venture between SBC Communications and BellSouth.
Cingular became wholly owned by AT&T in December 2006 as a result of AT&T's acquisition of BellSouth. By June of 2007, Cingular was completely rebranded as AT&T in preparation for the release of the Apple iPhone.
a telephone voice you talk eager
ringing and I a hand sliding the sound
into a pocket to be found
later like nickels in the dryer or
dollar bills crumpled clean am
a familiar voice wafered
to your ear
Like a Girl Walking Past Construction Workers
a new species found in a
trench 4,000 meters below sea
level through a crack in the earth's
crust a carnivorous sea squirt
funnel-shaped and almost clear like
a Venus flytrap tethered to the sea
floor the Tasman Fracture they say
there's just as much to study but
less to find with climate change
and CO2 levels on the rise and I
wonder if in Australia they care
about AIG giving more than 1 million
dollars each to 75 employees the
financial products division focused
on high-risk mortgage-backed
securities or user content rights in
the Facebook terms of service (which
is now revised) or the 70's radical Sara
Jane Olson released from California
prison and her return to being a Minnesota
housewife or the green glass soda bottle
from the Mexican grill that's
reflecting the sun into neon
lines along the windowsill and white
stucco walls where we
wait for a menu and
a place to sit
Sorry is the Kool-Aid of Human Emotions1
"But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. It's what you say when you spill a cup of coffee or throw a gutter ball when you're bowling with the girls in the league. True sorrow is as rare as true love." is a quote from Carrie, written by Stephen King and published in 1974 by Doubleday.
your feet for
warmth you lie
on the floor near
the dog and
the fireplace
Collecting There
only $19.95 late
night plus shipping
and handling the channel
without the remote I finger
the phone and fall
At a Distance: Sorry
I am, and my father was before,
continuing his thread of restlessness and excess
wasting strength on silence and plenty of good beer
and that's enough
this routine to the end
Explain why we think as we do
with retracted words we rescue
to speak a minute with you
to draw back into
the capacity of my throat
the tapering of my tongue
She lays her hands upon this house
already in silence a testimony
the clouds are drawn to shade them
every contour
and rendering
We fall to bed and subside
close the lenses of our eyes
this mattress and our tugging at the sheets
pulling too tight to discover your thigh
passionate, revealing
something in us stealing away
I listen with half a smile as your feet touch the floor
contempt collecting in the hall sweeping to the door
to speak a minute with you
to draw back into
another apology
or inbred sentiment
Your cheek-bones catch the light
and mark the present hour
like a fly caught between a window and its blinds
we know skin when our finger first finds
touch is the force of
lust like numbering snowflakes is a season that covers
the roads are always straight except at the
bend of your elbow or the pocket of a fist though
my hand never moves past the click of your wrist
watch the laces of your shoes before you trip
on the weight of a name or a
question the cracks and cradle holes of a groaning point of
view, with leather gloves and a syringe, the after-lives of little
animals don't burn nicotine but we do
After three years my shoes wore out
I still haven't bought a new pair
I have thick socks the kind just
long enough to keep your ankles
warm she says she'll buy me
a new pair of shoes she says
she wants to I told her
Until the Mosquitoes Turn Me Home
I don't mind walking behind cute women
or scraping tape from old posters on sign posts
those few minutes digging the nail in or the eye
like the plastic cup on the counter holding a dollar
in dimes I sprawl like freedom and the west
coast touching your arm your look
like finding ketchup on your napkin "I
don't know," you say "I think so. She's pretty
anyway." Like a book with perfect binding
my America with drawn on eyebrows and lips just so
red the collar kisses she gives stain the skin
you shake your head "I'm not lonely" you say "I'm not
alone anyway and these barstools are comfortable."
The coffee doesn't keep us up, it only warms our hands
"I don't mind this sunrise" "and scrambled eggs" you add
a little cream to your coffee and stir like you're
walking with your hands full
CNN is counting for us in the corner muted
and we don't mind not looking
for water-stained silverware the waitress laid on another napkin
"We could eat with our hands"
"Like animals at 4 AM"
The Third Heaven1
"The Third Heaven" was inspired by 2 Corinthians 12:3
For Gary
I. the death of a thief after sunrise2
Exous 22:2
to love like chalk on sidewalks
being flooded by a garden hose
or dust that gathers on shoulders
of closeted clothes we
linger like rocks collecting the sun3
Exodus 33:21
in front lawns, outside restaurants,
and shopping malls
waiting for the leaves to fall
in April afternoons
when rain has made
it hard to breathe
(and we sleep on our sides
with our knees)
did we share half an apple over breakfast4
Genesis 3:3
or a slice of toast
or an evening walk with winter coats
have I known you already
have I let your smell linger with mine
days couple
and weeks and years
like casual t-shirts
worn and still worn5
2 Corinthians 5:4
"do you have the paper is it Tuesday
will it rain again today
should I wear a jacket red or blue
with a white umbrella and boots
there's room for two if you stay
close" and slouch a little
"is the coffee ready
have you fed the cats
are we out of milk
and clean spoons"
"why is it always so cold in this house
we never will be warm enough6
Haggai 1:6
now" wrapped in
remnants like the dew mist
that doesn't wait7
Micah 5:7
like the first ripe fruit
shaken from the branch
into the mouth8
Nahum 3:12
or the days we live in context
do we love the same after sunrise
in the evening do we steal away
have I known you already
have I felt your heels curved edge like
a bag that hangs on a shoulder
or the blue veins in your neck when you run
to love like
crumbs collecting in the
corners of the kitchen floor
or pocketed receipts you are
the perfume of your hair
in a crowded room or passing
in a walk and those days before
half shut doors and
open beds we chase
minutes framed in glass
hanging in the hall like
dry stems of grass living
in the cracks of rocks9
Obadiah 1:13, 18
rain waits for us in its season
fruit waits for us in its tree10
Leviticus 26:4
on every high hill and under every spreading
tree we are born
as sparks flying upward11
Job 5:7
again and
everyday "I am
and there is none besides me."
For Karin
II. a day the east wind blows12
Isaiah 27:8
to love like buried toy soldiers
we find when we're much
older bare ankled in
backyards half
naked and golden-brown waiting
as children chasing
the wind13 with cupped
Ecclesiastes 2:11
hands and eyes
have I known you already
have I let your smell linger with mine
like cigarette tips
in ashtrays on the patio table
your remains intermingle
with mine
loving you like
the crackeling of thorns under a pot or
a heart full of nets14
Ecclesiastes 7:6, 26
10-24-07 - 6-14-08
Weary Time
weary time let me breathe.
the hope of today has come and left.
a shallow slumber is how I rest.
weary time carried by a winter wind let me breathe you in.
open my lungs
before you pass.
give me hope.
let me rest.
weary time.
weary time,
blow hard and swift.
I am waiting for your kiss to pass.
Following April
drowsy pink and white
compliment her eyes
consigned to capture
a crowded yearning
to construct another year
now falling
like her lips with words
A Series of Commas
The day undresses
and stretches along the street
to curl between the wheels of cars
as cold commuters carry their faces
in cellophane jars of ambition.
In the evenings they avenge their hopes
with promises of more like collecting hotel pens
from places that they've never been.
They kiss their kids and wear the walls
of their homes to bed, dreaming like a
goldfish floating to the surface
and when they wake, they stave off death
by growing ears on mice
and building 5 minute abs
while the weather man predicts
their wardrobe.
older versionI don't know what
day it is and that's the kind
of love we live like collecting
hotel pens from places that we've
never been or when we tell children
goldfish go to heaven (floating
belly up) and they love us
less and now with old age they grow
human ears on mice or
build 5 minute abs before
turning out
the light for bed
The Couple
hearing our name for the first
time and knowing it belongs
to us doesn't keep us
years later
The Height of the Sun
Fish circle the tank
ploughing the brain
numberless and
not exactly comfortable
I flake the surface. They nibble like
small feet for the first time touching
gravel I negotiate time by counting
time spent a dripping faucet filling a sink
that will one day be drained
I once thought death could be captured
in a shoebox buried
in the backyard
he had a freezer in the garage and
the four of us would sit
in lawn chairs and drink fruit flavored soda
I thought he would go to the X-games
he loved Matt Hoffman1, loved riding
Matt Hoffman is an American BMX free-style rider considered one of the best in the vert-ramp. In the 2001 X-Games he earned the Bronze Medal, and in the 2002 X-Games he earned the Silver Medal.
Ryan Morgan, the subject of the poem, had a sweatshirt signed by Matt Hoffman, which he was later buried in.
his first bike had teethed-pedals and he
learned to move his feet fast and when he
wasn't fast enough, how to bandage his shins
connections are collisions of surrender
atoms clash in a symmetry of reaching
to stay close, to move away, to try returning
like a hammer pulling nails from a wall
only to push them back in again
his mother found him one afternoon
in his room holding a shotgun
she reached out
a field touching a shot and fallen bird
the sun navigates the earth as
something felt but never touched
flowers twist their stems
attempting a height beyond cultivation
basic truths are fewer than conclusions
I know that now, but even this will be
Skin is a story of genealogies and
dusty furniture
sitting with the window open
helps to keep pace with the sun
I hold an appendage of light long enough
to trace the patterns of a flaking self
we played football in the summer with
the heat and one jug of water
I learned to throw a spiral with his
special grip red and gold 49's football
he always wore shoes I ran barefoot
perception is a form of contact influenced by appetite
like picking dark garden tomatoes
and waiting to eat them
the movement of every muscle in slow-motion
can't relate the entire action
like reading newspaper headlines
or ordering groceries over the phone
I stood five feet from the casket
his open eyepits were clayed over
we spoke words without consonants
raked leaves into heaps and bagged them
checked for cracks packed in egg-boxes
cause is the end and origin of change
his mother is slow answering
her eyes are amber cannons
engaged fountains of icicles
a long line of mourners wait
to embrace her, her husband, and
their remaining son
the moment rain becomes snow
she speaks, her tongue striking
something that sounds hollow
when tired the head duck falls back
but never escapes
the currents of the continental self
A Body
of ankles and fingernails
eating their weight
in sugar water and
salt enough to stand
upright like a sign
post or stop light searching
cracker boxes for real
cheddar cheese sweating it
off in the car with the windows
up and the sun shaking
the hand not clutching the steering
wheel too confident
to vomit more water and sleep
the only remedy to hold back
judgment Jesus fasted 40 days1 and spoke
Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13
to Satan about temptation
Recognize the Cracks
in concrete hotel beds
he is an unwormed hook
holding a collection of ties
and smiles
he prays to an empty wall
with a broken spined bible until
his lungs are full of glass
and his glistening tongue cuts
dead eyed soul shoppers
with forgiveness
he wears his morality like an unfurled napkin
doused in perfume, making love
to his wife like a spoon filled
with cough syrup
on Sundays he sleeps through
the afternoon until his dreams
wrinkle and his hopes are blue veins
returning to his heart
he thinks about the angels that remain
vigilant voyeurs and he wonders
what they might say if he ever
saw them
older versionconcrete hotel
beds tire like the air inside
my lungs rest
easy she says I
don't mind
to take open space away
from the glass to go home go
ahead sleeping bed like
an open letter I read
alone leaving the same
search following
the same fish no one else
over me a napkin thin wind
take it off
leave it shopping for the
ground will get you nowhere
so late the morning tucked
in tight so late
your chin hooked
to the sky such little things
the sun goes
down day wrinkles
grab your coat come
back into my
walk rest easy lay
your hands like a tongue tasting
a stamp I don't mind
rest easy she says
I Have a Light
like the cigarette
burn in the backseat
of your blue Chevy how
hard you held me in
the afternoon after
school the smell of rem-
embering on your
breath the glass
bottle you hid in
the desk near
the bed catching pieces of
what you left like
picking pennies
from a parking lot
The Preface of My Story
I am the captive of my mind –
the walls of thought,
and bars of time;
They hold me against myself –
they are my crime
as though the fall was my design
or the preface of my story.
I stand alone
and gear the gear that once turned me;
my pace, like his, too slow to number
Count me as I am, not as any other,
framed as no one's image.
I am on the pavement passing
While he lives by stop and go
is he wandering,
and decaying views of hope?
He laughs to laugh
and tickles passing dreams of mine
with promises.
I sour at their taste
and fear the power of his absence
I wash my head, awake, and accept the day.
All time is spent on yesterday ––, my prison and still,
passing my childhood lodgings,
the garden and the tree,
and the sweet innocence
I loved and said nothing,
and the rain that fell
I felt but couldn't see,
And I climbed into the tree — branch by branch, to yesterday,
the preface of my story.
In the clearing of my broken home, I prayed,
he stayed.
In the neutral swing of drunken fists, she bled,
we fled.
Back and forth
I lift my arms with pains to reach for heaven,
the reason to all answers,
concealed inside myself, sheltered in my dreaming.
I am not the same son in the morning
There is no change without control or cause.
I wash my lungs, awake, and breathe the day.
I have myself to blame... not father, home, or
years that held no time.
Alone, within his raging strain of life –
I descend,
Taming all the hatred but my own,
breaking limbs and leaves as I fall.
I drag his drunken corpse along the mud,
through still and silent moments
from freezing drifts of thought,
bless and kiss his bottle to my lips.
Death stands my surest friend,
numbs my future
breaks me from myself.
I wash my eyes, awake, and realize
I am the captive of my mind –
the walls of thought,
and bars of time;
They hold me against myself –
they are my crime
as though the fall was my design
or the preface of my story.
12-9-05 for Rick
3 Days Before Easter
a circle of salt around a snail as
a child I was cruel waiting
to see it cross
the path, bubble, and sink into its thin
shell, not so different now I
watch a crowd
walk the white
lines of the
I Lost My Last Memory
of you and the winter
we spent parked along the curb
outside my house and how
you kissed the shoulder of my shirt
goodbye in cold morning breath
like pressed flowers shaken
from a book or all the looks
and hands of a crowd
rising up and falling down
The American Idlers1
The central subject of 'The American Idlers' is a 19-year old gunman named Robert A. Hawkins. On Wednesday, December 5, 2007, he entered the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska and killed 8 people with a semi-automatic rifle stolen from his step-father, Mark Dotson's, closet.
The tragedy circulated the news for several days with variations of the headline: "8 die in a Nebraska Mall." The coverage was detailed, but surrounded by a variety of unrelated stories. The proximity and length of the differing articles minimized the tragedy, making it difficult to gauge or process the National loss.
The poem includes excerpts from Robert A. Hawkins' suicide notes, reactions from his mother, Maribel Rodriguez, and observations from Chief Thomas Warren of the Omaha Police Department.
Some are meant to be slaves
and happier that way in
the sentiment of Hollywood
histories on VH1
8 die in a Nebraska mall2 and
Gary Scharf, age 48, customer.
John McDonald, age 65, customer.
Angie Schuster, age 36, employee.
Maggie Webb, age 24, employee.
Janet Jorgensen, age 66, employee.
Diane Trent, age 53, employee.
Gary Joy, age 56, employee.
Beverly Flynn, age 47, employee.
this process of economic law that
educates the few touched
by it is last night's news
Deputy practicing gun draw kills wife
Skateboarders find newborn in dumpster
Model's new ear created from her rib cage
Man beats boy for pink fingernails
Mall Santa says woman groped him 2003
32.7 million prescriptions of Zoloft
Christopher Pittman "is the nation's only inmate serving
such a harsh sentence for an offense committed
at such a young age."
Plumas County spends $20,000 to find lost family
Too much rain in Savannah, Georgia 7 inches in 3 days
Sheila Botelho left her job in the curtains department
for a $5 Powerball ticket purchased in
a Rhode Island convenience store
"At our age, we don't even buy green bananas."
2007 milk prices increased 23.2 percent
Pam Anderson files for divorce after 2 months
Salomon made Paris Hilton sex tape
Reginald Potts, murder suspect, uses Myspace page
to defend himself. Potts listed his mood as "hopeful."
"You don't understand what it takes to be me..."
"I did my best." Maribel Rodriguez says "I'm →

deeply devastated with you"
Man dressed in black poses as priest in order
to charge merchandise to church account
David Hasselhoff finally reaches financial,
custody terms with ex-wife
New Jersey becomes first state in 42
years to abolish death penalty
Suit over 'Winnie the Pooh' socks costs school
district $95,000 in legal fees
Redwood Middle School may no longer
require students to wear solid-color clothing
Kevin Federline's lawyer says he'll seek
sanctions against Spears for skipping deposition
Disease-free woman received HIV
treatments for nine years awarded $2.5 million
Teacher accused of sex with student tells
judge she was under 13-year-old's control
"I really thought it just might go away," Peterson
said "I have betrayed your trust" Marion Jones returns
5 medals she won in Sydney
Relay team members asked
to return their medals as well
"This record is not tainted at all. At
all. Period." 756 home runs
"This is it. This is where it
all ends. End of the road. What a
life it was. Some life." Cho Seung-hui 23
years old 32 killed
Orlistat with lipase after a meal
absorbs up to 30% of fat
New Orleans' population reaches
295,450 based on utility hookups
2007 National Oilwell Varco stock +128%
Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins, 23, sentenced to
15 years in the brig for the murder of
Hashim Ibrahim Awad in Hamdania Baby
Jesus equipped with GPS after theft
Clinton donates personal
saxophone to The American Jazz Museum December
18th Charges dismissed in Natalee Holloway case
Jennifer Garner in Oscar de la Renta snags
the Icon Next Door award escaped
tiger kills zoo visitor, injuring
2 others Dotson said he left
a black AK-47-style rifle in the closet so
his ex-wife could protect herself and
the girls against intruders
Barack Obama bust made of
23 lbs of butter
2007 new home sales hit
12-year low 647,000 worst level since
April 1995 builders wait 6.2 months
to sell a completed home northern
right whale spotted off
Brevard County beaches
AMEX oil and gas index up 30 percent in '07
Sergio Baca and Chad Altman, both 22, accused
in Albuquerque Abortion Clinic Fire Dec. 6th Baca's
former girlfriend planned to have an abortion Jim
Leyritz charged after DUI death of
Fredia Ann Veitch, age 30, the mother of
two children ages 5 and 13 Constance
Smith charged with Cruelty to
Children in the 1st Degree had
no comment on their screening process Al
Gore and the U.N. Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change awarded 2007
Nobel Peace Prize Mattel CEO, Bob Eckert,
apologizes as company recalls millions
of toys made in China "I'm so sorry →

for what I've put you through I
never meant to hurt all of you so
much and I don't blame any one of you
for disowning me I just can't be a burden
to you and my friends any longer You
are all better off without me. I'm so sorry
for this" Letterman and Ferguson return
Wednesday with writers Andres Garcia, 22,
apprehended about 5 a.m. Sunday at
San Diego's San Ysidro border crossing
Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, 27, will
face a court-martial on reduced charges
stemming from the killing of 24 Iraqi men,
women and children in Haditha in 2005 a
McDonald's employee, Danielle Miller, 16, gives
birth in bathroom, baby boy Austin is
recovering well Sara Jane Moore, 77, was
released on parole from a federal prison in
California after 32 years Lindsay
Lohan served 84 minutes in Los Angeles
County women's detention center
in Lynwood last month after pleading
guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving
and cocaine charges "I've just snapped I →

can't take this meaningless existence anymore I've
been a constant disappointment and that trend
would have only continued. just remember the good
times we had together
I love you mommy
I love you dad
I love you Kira
I love you Valancia
I love you Cynthia
I love you Zach
I love you Cayla
I love you Mark (P.S. I'm really
sorry)" Starbucks shares sank 5.2
percent in afternoon trading on
the Nasdaq $19.34 the lowest price since
2004 Edward Lagrone, executed in
Texas February 11, 6:18 p.m "I
didn't go in there and kill them, but I'm
no better than the people that did. Jesus
is Lord. That's all I have to say." Jeremy
Sisto joins Law & Order for
18th season December 31st vandals ransack Robert
Frost's Homer Noble Farm beer bottles and
vomit found in living room San Francisco
zoo reopens 9 days after tiger, Tatiana, mauled and
killed Carlos Sousa Jr., 17, injuring two
others Kulbir Dhaliwal, 23, and Paul
Dhaliwal, 19, Mike Huckabee TV ad features
Chuck Norris for secure borders 8
Massachusetts auto dealerships have agreed
to pay a total $290,000 in penalties after
the state accused the businesses of "asterisk
pricing" "It should go without saying that
the vitality of these constitutional principles
cannot be allowed to yield simply because of
disagreement with them." William Shatner, 76, has
played the role of spokesman for 10
years, 6 years longer than his time spent as Captain
Kirk on Star Trek Jamie Lynn Spears appears
on the cover of OK! magazine Dec. 31st
2007 announcing that she is
pregnant the number of consumer bankruptcy
filings reached 801,840 a
40% increase compared to 573,203 in
2006 says the American Bankruptcy Institute Tracinda
Corp acquires 35% stake in Delta
Petroleum Corp for $684 million Kirk
Kerkorian named his company after his
daughters Tracy and Linda Chief
Thomas Warren of the Omaha
Police Department called the shooting
"premeditated," but said it "appears to be very
random and without provocation."
12-17-07 - 1-3-08
The Work-Week Heart
I think our bodies could have been
like two paper clips uncircling,
but when you're gone I feel
like naked teeth touching
coffee mugs -
when you're gone my days slip
apart like used postit! notes -
when you're gone my dreams
are perforated and I can't
find the pieces
2-13-2011 for Colleen
Des Moines, Iowa
Polaroid postures like tin
can airplanes hanging
from the ceilings of
abandon bar rooms she is
waiting like a hospital
phone or the untied
shoelaces of her son
Kinder Nights
So slow she goes to fold the grass with her
toes. Watching from the window where I wait
for her return, I wonder why she steps
so lightly like the lingering brown leafs
of December. A day ago we spoke
as children small speak fumbling with fin-
gers reaching "Did you hear the moth tap-tap
the window?" "No." She says slow rolling to
her side as she turns on the light. "I just--
I thought I heard something upon the glass."
"The tap." "The tap?" "The tap a bug had made
against the glass." "Why would you wake me up
for that? Go back to bed." She seemed to say,
the pillow pressed to half her head. "I am..."
A Couple Wearing Fine
always different they are
standing in line
a pink skirt that doesn't touch the floor
glasses and white pants
coffee two cups by the door
"I woke up considering your silver heart
earrings perky breasts and
"I know" the elevator goes up
laughing shoes shuffle through jarred
fireflies and red fire ants
her eyes his hands
The Wedding of Julie Elizabeth Bal & Anthony Paul Seiler
the groom in the lobby wearing
white like the bride
young with friends he adjusts
his light blue bowtie his smile
of midnight vows, the aisle to walk
and wait she waits white
still with butterflied cheeks each
step to the alter measured
and timed the piano plays
something old and
slow she looks to
his light blue bowtie, his smile her
smile now and the rest
of her life
A Couple in the Lobby
he's open
mouthed with black tennis shoes and
white socks wearing her arm on his
shoulder she's a blue button up
shirt and black socks leaning
her head into his arm not
smiling but not sad watching
the Toshiba slow he taps his
foot she follows too in pink
no-laced shoes laughing
now her chest bounces locked with
her arms crossed her foot touching his shin and
stopping there
Blond in Boots by the Stairwell
blue flannel round face red
cheeks braless with brunette
roots holed jeans at the knee smiling
with her lower lip crossed
arms for cleavage she
checks the center
of her chest
Herself, Grown
I smell the painted
toenails of
my sister before
they do but they
will smell them soon too.
Like Someone Splashed Soda Up Against the Wall
I am a series of Bruce Campbell cameos1
Darkman, The Majestic, Fargo
rousing your cult following from retirement.
Or I could be Hannah Montana topless for Vanity Fair2
2008 June Issue, Vanity Fair
your lust a mother searching for airbrushed nipples.
Or perhaps you would want me as Pope Benedict's3
Pope Benedict XVI
ruby red shoes hurrying through your crowded
faith filled hopes. Or would you have me
be Stephanie Swift4 kissing with her eyes closed?
A pornographic actress who starred in over 370 adult movies between 1995 and 2009
No, I am an open-boxed item, repackaged & reduced
by a few dollars -- overstocked & discontinued...
older versionI'll prove
myself soon
enough to
someone like
Bruce Campbell
cameos in
Fargo and
Darkman The
Majestic just
a little
bit of something some
kind of cult
following you
and me even
Stephanie Swift
kisses with her
eyes closed couldn't we
consider strapping
signs to the Golden
Gate Bridge for
Tibet it might mean
we'd meet Richard
Gere and
our lives would
mean something
better like
freedom (and Hannah
Montana topless for Vanity
Fair) this feeling of
home like Pope Benedict's ruby
red shoes or the Narrow Stairs
we listen to traveling less
from one floor to the
next our knees
creaking just as
much with
Dried Orange Slices in Summer Heat
tornado watching we were streets
without wheels kissing faces without
lips fixed in a corner with bottled water
eyes in a basement of cement Grandpa was
gone all the nouns had left his tongue
The Table was Spread
eyes were narcotics of criticism
twisting him with one hand, mind enthralled, liberty deprived
circles under his eyes, bent double, lodging soapbox steps -
threatening speeches spiraled from his nostrils
thrown palely upon the opposite wall -
a wide-awake pattern approaching confinement.
tense muscles restraining bed sheets
commentaries on a combination of nerve ends, cigarettes bludgeoning,
contriving to lock -
precise and unbiased observations of everyday life.
doubted, he, white collar fastened at the throat with
a far-reaching question, held precautionary vigilance
over a thorn-choked garden plot
he turned adrift, creating lines of motion
like a worm or a snarl of wool
unaccustomed to the chilliness of night
A Polyphony of Conversation
like two sleepers rapt in sheets
ready to be ripened when the
morning breaks their dreams
routines the semblance of
what was prior
the quiver of "goodnight"
and the relapse to retire
into what they'll never publish
South Elevator
in case
of fire do
not use
elevator use
Accountability Breeds Response-ability1
"Accountability breeds response-ability" is a concept from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. When you have effectively evaluated the paradigms that shape your decisions, you are better equipped to respond to them.
Stephen Covey is an American author known for the best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The self-help book, first published in 1989, sold more than 25 million copies worldwide. The audio edition was the first non-fiction book in America to sell more than 1 million copies.
when God is something we live
through another TV dinner another
girls gone wild video another
morning paper thrown under the car and
news of Paris Hilton karaoke we
pray but not so
hard just enough to get through
the day and God
seems to listen like the Macy's
weekend sale or the DVD coming
Tuesday and the momentary
buzz between call and caller
ID steals how much of our
lives the preacher is saving
jokes for Sunday and the sanctuary
seats truth becomes a matter of
repetition another TV dinner another
girls gone wild video another
morning between Fruit Loops and
Cocoa Pebbles what would Stephen
Covey do I miss this
country that I've never left we pray
under God and in God
we trust and through God we
live another day of red
white and blue
Approximating Smoke
He wanders with a bag full of clothes
to the closest machine. A thick smell of Clorox rising
from the stained-white, tile-tattered linoleum floor. Air hot,
dry with bleach burning chemicals.
He lets loose his clothes with a five quarter jingle. The machine
starts in. He steps outside with thirsty minutes to waste.
an old wooden bench wrinkled with age
a book's worth of paper humping the curb
a vending machine - Marlboro pressed to its frame
a loitering sign NO PARKING it shouts
He moves slow to the cigarette dispenser examines
every warning, every pack, every label.
With a hand full of change he closes
his eyes remembering the smell, imagining the past,
pressing the button grabbing the red trimmed pack. Against
splintering wood he sits, pulls a cylinder from the box
two fingers to hold it with a fencer's finesse
the smell of his father dancing between fingers as if his soul was
trapped in the plastic wrapped pack.
With every pump of his lung, time folds on itself - years once
stretched twirl lightly in hand.
A chemical kiss with a cigarette tip
like a Father's bedtime good night to his son.
Without a match
the memory fades.
my muscles move together
geared pages I pace and retrace
a binding of thoughts curiosity's untethered
I study the lines of your face
faint tracks in the grass like dog-
eared pages I pace and retrace
to find my beginning -- our prologue
wrapped in a worn coat, brushing us in passing
like faint tracks in the grass or dog-
day stories we tell to be telling
just sentimental lunatics craving first draft romance
wrapped in worn coats, brushed by in passing.
in the morning I measure your countenance
kiss the corners of my room
a sentimental lunatic craving first draft romance
but the hope is a sweet perfume
you kiss to the corners of my room.
my muscles move to get her
a binding of thoughts, curiosities untethered
Sitting Alone Outside Burger King
Empty halls of afternoon
sun slow like the calves of old
men waking to wives with thighs
wrinkled white and sagging breasts
slow to rise with breath and eyes
empty still with sleep of nights
younger louder restless hot
sweating smooth with open palms
pressed to dresses orange and green
buttoned half way up with seams
stretched to hips and hard men's grins
going soft
Aren't We, Weren't We
I am a white-eyed fruit fly failing
at your eugenics -- slow and unexpectedly
off because
my love is provoked never practiced
and sadness is a process we learn
like writing the letters of our name --
each day unbuttoned and laid
across the backs of chairs to be put away
or piled, but
some sweetness remains
like the sticky fingers of sugary
children --
some sweetness nuzzles your old
traditions like a cat curling against
your naked shins.
Some sweetness has been crushed and pulverized
into the book upon your lap...
older versionuse your nuzzle
notice if
unbuttoned we
are so long-lived
"aren't we" to know
we should be but this
condition slow
and bold "weren't we"
to say we love
whose old tradition
now green and brown
with bubble gum smell
put in a purse white and zipped
crossed arms and legs thin
wearing in a paper dress
"weren't we" a book upon a lap
"aren't we" as simple as
this going like anatomy easy
"weren't we" easy
"aren't we"
tempted to talk when
I see your red-vested smile.
Your eyes index my mind
into columns and rows
and so
I stut-ter
neatly wrap - ped
pack - ages
of let-ters and sounds.
A Waitress at Mel's
a good poem
is like reading
your nametag or
waiting for your
plastic straws to
put in my cup so
simple the words
you say to so
many everyday the
best kind of poetry
4-19-08 for Tawnee
the eyelash in my hand
is yours till we meet again
so don't let it catch the wind
till you close your eyes and send
a wish to kiss me then
Our eyes
are carpeted
beige for babies
to lay
Edition History
Edition 1.3.5 Notes [10-13-2012]
-added 6 pre-revised poems from the original edition to ebook
-Aren't We, Weren't We
-A Series of Commas
-I Think We All Agree, the Past is Over
-Lazy like the Tips of Her
-Like Someone Splashed Soda Up Against the Wall
-Recognize the Cracks in
-added Edition History links to ebook
-added Alphabetical List of Poems w/hyperlinks to ebook
-added 12 new footnotes to ebook (1 to website)
-removed excessive empty space between poems/dates in ebook
-added improved HD cover (1000x1500, 143dpi)
-improved HTML for EPUB 3 in ebook
-2% smaller file size for poems in ebook
Edition 1.3 Notes [3-27-2012]
-added 6 poem titles
-Collecting There
-At a Distance: Sorry
-The Couple
-Kinder Nights
-Herself, Grown
-added 3 new poems
-The 1st Kiss
-The Cool Nights
-The Work-Week Heart
-revised 2 poems
-Like Someone Splashed Soda Up Against the Wall
-Aren't We, Weren't We
-added Edition 1.0 notes
-fixed title spacing for "Closeness"
-changed indents for "Weary Time"
-updated Table of Contents
-minor tweaks and improvements
-enhanced cover
-75 poems total
Edition 1.2 Notes [3-30-2011]
-added 5 new poems
-watching you tan
-the romantic
-The 2nd Year Anniversary
-revised 3 poems
-Lazy like the Tips of Her [8-9-06]
-A Series of Commas [2-12-08]
-Recognize the Cracks [7-19-06]
-fixed poem title font
-fixed linked footnotes
-fixed and updated Table of Contents
-minor tweaks and improvements
Edition 1.1 Notes [3-13-2011]
-formatting tweaks and minor fixes
-added footnotes from print version
-optimized formatting for ebook
Edition 1.0 Notes [3-13-2011]
-First Print book published 3-26-2010
-First Smashwords ebook published 3-13-2011
-67 poems total
About The American Idlers
The American Idlers is a collection of 67 75 poems that explore the fragile and fleeting moments of two young lovers as their relationship and intimacy gets punctuated by political tension, disillusionment, and the invisible hand of freedom.
As the two lovers idle, they glimpse an America full of zealots, soldiers, sluts, salesmen, suicide, and self-determination. In their chaotic and multi-voiced vision of freedom, the two lovers discover the present tense pregnant with possibilities and, in that brief moment, they see the world for what it is: infinite.
Poetry by Cloud Buchholz
Copyright © 2010 Cloud Buchholz